Next week we have end of term exams, which are important here in Tanzania. They count towards the overall outcome of the course. Over the last weeks we have been struggling to keep up with the Bible Knowledge 'O' level timetable. The school had visitors, so one period was cancelled, the students often have a detention or sickness which prevents them from coming to a lesson, then last week I forgot what time I was meant to teach, so they all waited for me and I didn't turn up!
Later in the morning I started trying to call them together, and they told me what had happened! I felt like crying... However, three of them came together during a period later in the day, and I hope they have passed on the subject matter to the others. Because we started late in the school year we need to catch up on the syllabus. Please pray that we can do this next term. Holidays are during June, and Kevin will be studying Kiswahili again for three weeks while I try to get rid of whatever it is that's causing the problem. :o/