Pictured above is Gerard, the student who walked away with the most prizes. Maybe "Prize Giving" would be a better name for the celebration, because at the time the Form IV students had not even started their 'O' level exams. Now, three weeks later, they have finished and left the school, and another year group will take their place in January.
Among this year group are some students studying Bible Knowledge. Please pray that their enthusiasm for reading the Bible will continue to grow as they start on Luke's Gospel and the book of Acts, and pray too for the next year group starting in Form III.
Kevin and I are having a weekend break in Iringa again, and are feeling a bit more rested now. We think the altitude in Kilolo is one of the reasons for our tiredness (It's nearly 7,000 feet above sea level), but there must be other factors, such as traveling to Dar and back the week before. I am feeling a lot better now, though not yet 100 per cent healthy. Thanks again for your prayers.