The new shock absorbers arrived yesterday in Iringa, having come from Japan via Nairobi and a colleague in Morogoro. They were fitted onto our little Diahatsu today. Now the car tilts slightly up at the front (we need new rear ones as well...) and we feel as if we're travelling in a bouncey castle instead of a cart. Life is going to be much more fun. It'll cut our journey time to Kilolo (though I'll still have to control Kevin's speed ;o) and enable us to do a little more travelling than just that road.
At the school we are gearing up for mid term exams and, as a first, computer studies are included. Not just this, but even more significant is that the teachers have been using the computers to prepare their subject exams more than ever before. Kevin has been helping them, especially with the mathematics and science exams which need special symbols like x squared (a little 2 in superscript), tables and diagrams.
Last week I struggled to teach anything because of a flu bug which took me right out of service for a day. Thankfully that was the day I would normally be teaching at the Bible School, but so far this year we have no course. This opportunity for study has been a great encouragement in the past for believers in isolated villages who need to develop skills in knowledge of the Bible, leadership and even reading/writing. Please pray that the Bible School begins to run again soon, even with a three month course.