Saturday 20 October 2012

Bussing it

We wanted to go the whole way by train, but through most of Zambia it seems the track and rolling stock (did I got the terminology right, Kevin? "Yes" Editor) have not been well maintained, so either it's too slow, or leaves at midnight, or there's no security. So today we came by a high class bus to Livingstone. Air-conditioned, drinks provided, video on tap, and comfortable seats made me think I was on the UK coach trip.

Arriving in Livingstone, we asked our prospective taxi driver to take this photo, and then he brought us to a guest-house called Comfort Corner (which Kevin found on It has: Air conditioning, en-suit facilities, spotless sheets and clean environment, all very different to what we have experienced so far. I washed out a few clothes and saw the brown water going down the plughole. A good feeling!

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