Friday 6 February 2009


...are more intelligent than bats. Before I'd put the screen up in my window I was awoken at around 2am by a cat jumping off the chair beside my bed! I just caught sight of the shadow running into the sitting room and round the wall by the light of my torch, but quick as lightening it was back in my bedroom and out through the open window again, leaving a muddy footprint or two on my wall. Then I noticed a human footpring just beside the window as well. mmm interesting. Hope it got there when the men were putting up the ceiling boards. (Don't worry, the bars on the window are too close together for anyone to get through, and anyway Kilolo is much safer than Iringa.)

Back at the farm I found Elizabeth had had another fall, and is now dependent on others for almost every need. I am helping her at night when I am here, and her son Richard comes accross from his house when I am in Kilolo. Not an easy situation.

Teaching is a bit stessfull as well, as I have been asked to start teaching 'O' level Bible Knowledge as well as Religious Education... A big vote of confidence but hard work.

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