Last week in the Form IV Bible Knowledge class we looked at the verses in Luke's Gospel where Jesus compares Solomon in all his glory with lilies. The students were asking what a lily is, then one of them said "Oh I know, are they like those flowers outside your house?"
We've been watching them come out and enjoying the show, and it seems others have been doing the same. I hadn't realised until then that we had such a good example in our garden. We also have some rust coloured chrysanthemums, an aloe, blue daisy type flowers, bright red hibiscus, a rambler rose, and scented geranium, all planted by a friend who wanted a job as a gardener when I first moved in to the house. They have taken their time to look this good, and I hope the show will be repeated again next year.
We took some of the lilies to a friend who is not doing so well. In fact he is receiving visits from his friends who want to say farewell. It is a stark reminder of how short this life is, and the beauty and enjoyment which God gives for such a short time here. He is the everlasting One, and I want to be with Him for ever.