The hills we live in are mountains, or so we think! Above the road, this picture, taken from the hill opposite, shows St Michael's Bible School in the center left, and church towards the right, with some of the staff houses above, under the trees. St Michael's Secondary School is hidden behind the gum trees, The air is fresh and clean, though thin, because it's at nearly 7,000 feet above sea level. When Kevin drinks a cup of tea, he says it doesn't seem as hot as the cuppas in Iringa. I tell him that's because water boils at a lower temperature when you're high up, and he is half convinced ;o)
Last week the Form III students started their two year 'O' level Bible Knowledge course! It is an event I have been waiting for. There was a struggle to have enough students sign up. We had two initially, but then the parents of one of them said she had to take science, so we were left with only one for BK. Because of the numbers of subjects each student can study, Science and BK are mutually exclusive as 'O' levels.
In order to try to recruit a few more, I asked one of the Form IV BK students to go in and talk to the Form III who were not doing science, and then for our first lesson, I had both Forms in together. There were 15 students, which made everyone feel better, and since then I have been told that there are nine Form III students wanting to study the BK course. Keep praying for us all, for perseverance and enthusiasm to study.
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