Wednesday 27 June 2012

.....................................The Sting and the Honey..................................

I've never before seen myself as a bee keeper. Now the honey has been harvested, I wonder whether the bees will like their new home! If so, the sense of achievement will be even greater, because I made it out of off-cuts and left-overs from the house we live in. Yes, I was stung, and it took from 9pm until 3am leaving me feeling stiff and achy afterwards, but the fun of doing it was tremendous. Kevin kept out of my way (and that of the bees) apart from taking some photos, because he comes up with bites and stings, so we didn't want to risk an emergency trip to Iringa! I try not to bite him too often, but it's hard. :^)

We are now at our favourite place next to the Indian Ocean, in Bagamoyo. It's called Travellers' Lodge, and in the past I have called it 'Paradise Garden' because that is what it feels like. The palm trees and birds are beautiful, and this is where we can relax with good food and exercise.

On Saturday we'll be meeting some friends at the airport; Hannah, Katy and Jack from Devon. Hannah was my bridesmaid, and they are visiting just after their 'A' level exams. We're going to be a full house at last!

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