Thursday 25 October 2012

Victoria Rain Falls

Watch this space. Here it is...

On Monday we went to the Falls. There are three great waterfalls on the earth; Niagra, Iguasu and Victoria. The others have a greater height or volume total, but in terms of a single falling sheet of water, Victoria takes the prize.

The canyon in front of the falls offers an amazing viewpoint from lots of different places, and the cool spray came across to fall on us. We were there until the afternoon, and had a picnic lunch in the hot shade of a fruit tree. Not sure what the fruits were, but the birds liked them. Later on we wandered back, and the sun gave us a rainbow treat in the mist above the Falls.

Back in our hostel, during the night after we had been to the Falls, the first rain fell for many months. It cooled the air, making it almost pleasant to walk around. On Tuesday evening we boarded the train on to Bulawayo, and almost boiled in our compartment as we waited for the train to set off. The night was hot, but we were well looked after by the train crew.

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