After the Christmas service in Iringa, we drove up to Kilolo the next morning as we don't like driving at night. It takes longer now because the road is full of corrugations and our shock absorbers are spent. Getting spare parts is a challenge - prayers please!
I sat with the students that morning (Wednesday) as they wrote their Old Testament exam, and then spent the rest of the day marking and having a rest. I fell asleep in a chair while Kevin did all the work in the house! On Thursday we made a Christmas cake in our wood-burner stove, which was hotter than expected. It's the first cake I've cooked in it, though we bake bread every week, so we should be more practiced than we are!
Yesterday was the graduation, and some happy students have now finished their three month course and gone home for Christmas. It is the last of its kind, because next year the Diocese of Ruaha hopes to move the six month course from the Amani Bible School in Iringa up to St Michael's in Kilolo.